HyperSTAR 3.0

Server for Relational Databases Fact Sheet

High-Performance Access to Data Stored in Relational Databases, including SQL support.


The HyperSTAR Servers for Relational Databases are a set of servers which provide read/write access to data stored in standard relational database management systems, including Oracle, Ingres, SYBASE, INFORMIX and DB2.

By utilizing the low level application programming interface (API) for the target relational database, each HyperSTAR Server provides high performance data access and customized support for the unique features, SQL extensions, and SQL optimizations associated with each database.

The HyperSTAR Servers for Relational Databases work with the HyperSTAR client interfaces available in the Windows, UNIX, and Macintosh environments.


Optimized and efficient interfaces to over 50 data sources. Each server is specific to a given DBMS and hardware platform and is optimized for access to that data. At the same time, each server "knows" HyperSTARÆs object-messaging protocol so that it can communicate with any client application.

Built in support for the unique features of each relational database allows HyperSTAR to complement and extend the functionality of existing systems. HyperSTAR provides support for various SQL dialects and compatibility with database specific security and data integrity measures.

Support for high-performance multiple connections means that each HyperSTAR server can simultaneously handle access requests from many clients, regardless of their locations. Easier implementation at a lower cost because HyperSTAR servers manage all interaction between the network communications software and the client and server applications, and because HyperSTAR servers eliminate the need for any additional database specific client/ server communication software.

Fast, easy setup without sacrificing DBMS functionality is possible because HyperSTAR servers incorporate tools for easy installation, configuration, and debugging. Also since HyperSTAR servers feature the same object messaging technology as clients, they automatically know how to talk to clients while at the same time still take full advantage of the capabilities of each associated database.